Saturday, July 09, 2005


Bombs that explodes indiscriminately. Innocent people who die only because porque the chance bring them to the wrong place, at the wrong time. Other people injured, or mutilated. Panic. Relative people are desperate. Thins can be London (on July, 7th), and the main guilty is Bin Landen. But it can be also Bagdad (a few months before), and then the name of the main guiltys are Bush, Blair and Aznar. Some of them are terrorists and the other ones, they are terrorists too, even if they appear on televisión wearing suit and tie, and even if they announce to defend the ‘western values’, then ‘human rigths’ and the ‘freedom’. Some words when they are spoken by certain people, they lose completely their sense, or maybe, they only mean cynicism. If we talk about the 9/11 (in New York), the 3/11 (in Madrid) and now the 7/7 (in London), in Irak whe should talk about 3/20 , 3/21, 3/22,. 3/23, 3/24, .... 3/31, 4/1, 4/2, ... until 4/30, etc.. and so on during more than 2 years, because the violence has not ended yet. It’s absolutely clear than the war of Irak has caused in the world more hate and more terrorists, and the worse thing is that the guilty people will not ever be punished. By the way, would not be good that invader troops leave Irak immediately, after 2 years of illegal ocupation ? Someone who smash the law, has not the moral legitimation to require other people to follow the law.


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